
UDMI / Docs / Guides / Config Nonce

Config Nonce

The config nonce is a debugging feature that can be used to track down problems with configuration updates in the context of UDMI cloud services. It’s essentially a unique token that’s inserted into config updates (from the sequencer) that are tracked through the system.

Enabling Trace Debug

By adding the -vv flag to sequencer, the system will output more stuff and also include a special nonce parameter to config messages and updates.

Sequencer Output

If properly enabled, the nonce will show up in the sequencer output, in this case for the specific system config subFolder:

 2022-10-05T21:30:58Z TRACE sequencer received config_system_2022-10-05T21:30:58.072Z:
   "extra_field" : "reset_config",
   "metrics_rate_sec" : 600,
   "min_loglevel" : 200,
   "debug_config_nonce" : 1665005451790,
   "testing" : {
     "sequence_name" : "reset_config"
   "timestamp" : "2022-10-05T21:30:58.072Z",
   "version" : "1.3.14-85-g61f475b7"

And then should immediately be followed by a “promoted” update, where the system update is incorporated into the complete config update:

 2022-10-05T21:30:58Z TRACE sequencer received config_update_2022-10-05T21:30:58.133Z:
   "debug_config_nonce" : 1665005451790,
   "system" : {
     "min_loglevel" : 200,
     "metrics_rate_sec" : 600,
     "testing" : {
       "sequence_name" : "reset_config"
     "extra_field" : "reset_config",
     "debug_config_nonce" : 1665005451790
   "timestamp" : "2022-10-05T21:30:58.133Z",
   "version" : "1.3.14-85-g61f475b7"

Cloud Functions

The config updates themselves are processed by some cloud functions. The udmi_reflect function receives the sequencer messages, and the udmi_config function handles the config update itself. The logs of these can be searched for the specific nonce to show a more detailed accounting of what is going on:

~/udmi$ gcloud --project=$project_id functions logs read udmi_reflect --sort-by=time_utc --limit=1000 | fgrep 1665005451790
         udmi_reflect  igx30b2gw5gg  2022-10-05 21:30:55.755  Reflect ZZ-TRI-FECTA AHU-1 config system 1665005451790

From that, you can look up the complete function execution context run:

~/udmi$ gcloud --project=$project_id functions logs read udmi_reflect --sort-by=time_utc --limit=1000 | fgrep igx30b2gw5gg
D        udmi_reflect  igx30b2gw5gg  2022-10-05 21:30:54.043  Function execution started
         udmi_reflect  igx30b2gw5gg  2022-10-05 21:30:54.650  Setting GCLOUD_PROJECT to bos-testing-ci
WARNING  udmi_reflect  igx30b2gw5gg  2022-10-05 21:30:54.748  Warning, estimating Firebase Config based on GCLOUD_PROJECT. Initializing firebase-admin may fail
         udmi_reflect  igx30b2gw5gg  2022-10-05 21:30:55.518  No FIREBASE_CONFIG defined
         udmi_reflect  igx30b2gw5gg  2022-10-05 21:30:55.518  Using UDMI version 1.3.14-85-g61f475b7
         udmi_reflect  igx30b2gw5gg  2022-10-05 21:30:55.634  Fetching registries for us-central1
         udmi_reflect  igx30b2gw5gg  2022-10-05 21:30:55.636  Fetching registries for europe-west1
         udmi_reflect  igx30b2gw5gg  2022-10-05 21:30:55.637  Fetching registries for asia-east1
         udmi_reflect  igx30b2gw5gg  2022-10-05 21:30:55.755  Reflect ZZ-TRI-FECTA AHU-1 config system 1665005451790
         udmi_reflect  igx30b2gw5gg  2022-10-05 21:30:55.887  Processing results for us-central1
         udmi_reflect  igx30b2gw5gg  2022-10-05 21:30:56.399  Processing results for europe-west1
         udmi_reflect  igx30b2gw5gg  2022-10-05 21:30:56.668  Message publish udmi_config {"deviceId":"AHU-1","deviceNumId":"2612218335398339","deviceRegistryId":"ZZ-TRI-FECTA","deviceRegistryLocation":"us-central1","projectId":"bos-testing-ci","subFolder":"system","subType":"config","cloudRegion":"us-central1"}
         udmi_reflect  igx30b2gw5gg  2022-10-05 21:30:56.668  Fetched 2 registry regions
         udmi_reflect  igx30b2gw5gg  2022-10-05 21:30:56.668  Processing results for asia-east1
         udmi_reflect  igx30b2gw5gg  2022-10-05 21:30:56.999  Message 5834149510944859 published to udmi_config.
D        udmi_reflect  igx30b2gw5gg  2022-10-05 21:30:57.004  Function execution took 2960 ms. Finished with status: ok

The same logic can be applied to the udmi_config function, but there’s a lot more entries in those logs, so you may need to add a specific end-time filter:

~/udmi$ gcloud --project=$project_id functions logs read udmi_config --sort-by=time_utc --limit=1000 --end-time=2022-10-05T21:31:57.004 | fgrep 1665005451790
         udmi_config  u1az18rg4bh8  2022-10-05 21:30:58.072  Config message ZZ-TRI-FECTA AHU-1 system 1665005451790 {"min_loglevel":200,"metrics_rate_sec":600,"testing":{"sequence_name":"reset_config"},"extra_field":"reset_config","debug_config_nonce":1665005451790}
         udmi_config  u1az18rg4bh8  2022-10-05 21:30:58.073  command devices/AHU-1/config/system 1665005451790 projects/bos-testing-ci/locations/us-central1/registries/UDMI-REFLECT/devices/ZZ-TRI-FECTA
         udmi_config  u1az18rg4bh8  2022-10-05 21:30:58.133  Config modify system 86490 2022-10-05T21:30:58.073Z 1665005451790
         udmi_config  u1az18rg4bh8  2022-10-05 21:30:58.189  command devices/AHU-1/config/update 1665005451790 projects/bos-testing-ci/locations/us-central1/registries/UDMI-REFLECT/devices/ZZ-TRI-FECTA
         udmi_config  u1az18rg4bh8  2022-10-05 21:30:58.218  Config accepted system 86490 2022-10-05T21:30:58.073Z 1665005451790

subFolder Updates

For config blocks that have multiple sub-folders, there will be a nonce for each and also at the top level. The top-level one indicates which subFolder was added most recently. Although nominally a timestamp, the numerical ordering of the nonce is not reliable as a source of information.

 2022-10-05T21:31:03Z TRACE sequencer received config_update_2022-10-05T21:31:02.950Z:
   "debug_config_nonce" : 1665005461272,
   "pointset" : {
     "points" : {
       "filter_alarm_pressure_status" : {
         "ref" : "BV11.present_value"
       "filter_differential_pressure_setpoint" : {
         "set_value" : 98
       "filter_differential_pressure_sensor" : {
         "ref" : "AV12.present_value"
     "debug_config_nonce" : 1665005461272
   "system" : {
     "min_loglevel" : 200,
     "metrics_rate_sec" : 600,
     "testing" : {
       "sequence_name" : "writeback_states"
     "debug_config_nonce" : 1665005459267,
     "last_start" : "2022-10-05T21:30:45Z"
   "timestamp" : "2022-10-05T21:31:02.950Z",
   "version" : "1.3.14-85-g61f475b7"