
UDMI / Docs / Tech Primer

Smart-Ready Building Technical Primer

This document provides primer for smart-ready building assembly, to essentially answer the question “What does Smart Ready mean?” and “How do we know it to be true?” Specifically, it addresses the delta between a traditional site and smart-ready sites: places where new bleeding edge building technology is being used.

Key Terms & Definitions

Building Models

There are different levels of “digital maturity” for different buildings. Each one has a slightly different scope in terms of what it means to be “complete.” For the most part, this document addresses the scope of a Smart Ready building:

Device Classification

Various adjectives qualify the different flavors of a “device” present in the system. More than one can apply, and each has a specific technical meaning/definition (i.e. they are not subjective).


How data is moved around on-prem


How data gets up into the cloud.

Each Direct, Gateway, and Proxied device has a unique Device entry in a Cloud IoT Core register


Device relationships and how they are modeled

Information Sources

Cloud IoT Core Definitions

Base Tools & Capabilities

Device Qualification

Device qualification qualifies device types as meeting a baseline connectivity and security requirement by performing a series of predefined tests against a device.


Managed Network


Device Management

All devices which are smart ready are required to support UDMI. For guidance on what compliance with the UDMI schema means, refer to compliance documentation



Digital Buildings Ontology

Points and device naming is required to abide by Digital Buildings Ontology (DBO)

