
UDMI / Docs / Tools / Git Tools

UDMI git Utilities

The UDMI git tools are a collection of utilities that have been developed for working with git branches. They really have nothing to do with UDMI, but rather just ‘things I had on my dev machine’ that might be useful for the wider community. Effectively using git will still require some detailed knowledge of how it works to resolve conflicts, etc…

Generally speaking, a usual workflow consists of running git status a lot, git branch-status frequently (if working with multiple branches), git branch-upate daily or when getting close to finalization, git branch-create as needed, and then git branch-remote rarely just to keep things sober.

Tool Setup


The tools are located in bin/git-* in the UDMI repo. To use them, either copy them to somewhere in your environment’s $PATH, add udmi/bin to the $PATH, or invoke them directly. If installed in the $PATH you should be able to use (e.g.) either git branch-status or git-branch-status from anywhere, or bin/git-branchstatus to access them direct.

Upstream Configuration

To work with upstream remotes, that is some canonical source that is not your personal repo but you want to synchronize with:

Branch Configuration

Each local branch also works with tracking information to help sort through the needful. This is handled automatically by git-branch-create:

Deciphering Tool Output

git branch-status

The branch-status utility only works with local information (so it’s fast) and gives a view of the current state of the repo. It does not automatically sync with any designated remote, so can show out-of-date info if it hasn’t been updated in a while (e.g. by running branch-update).

~/udmi$ git branch-status 
gittools       ahead 1; ahead master 5       Tools for working with git
mapping        insync; ahead master 41       Mapping agent
master         insync; insync master
registrar      insync; ahead master 85       SiteModel abstraction for registrar

git branch-create

Creates a new branch and configures the relevant properties for other git-branch-* tools. Really not very exciting but streamlines a few things and hopefully avoids some mistakes.

~/udmi$ git branch-create sequences Programmatically create sequences
Already on 'master'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
Switched to a new branch 'sequences'

git branch-update

The branch-update tool does a bunch of routine things to make everything as up-to-date as possible. Any merge conflicts or similar issues will need to be manually resolved. Roughly speaking, the tool does the following operations:

~/udmi$ git branch-update
Fetching upstream remote faucet master branch...
Fetching upstream origin...
Updating local master branch...
Updating branch gittools...
  Push to upstream origin/gittools...
Updating branch mapping...
Updating branch master...
Updating branch registrar...
Returning to local branch gittools.

git branch-remote

The branch-remote tool scans the origin remotes and tries to clean some junk out. It will suggest deleting an origin branch if it’s identical to the $main branch, or if it hasn’t been merged in quite some time. The output can just be cut-and-pasted into a terminal window to perform the operations.

To ignore the prune commentary for upstream remotes (e.g. a coworker’s repo), set an appropriate configuration value remote.${remote}.upstream=ignore.

:~/udmi$ git branch-remote
Updating/pruning remmote faucet...
Updating/pruning remmote quincy...
Updating/pruning remmote origin...
Checking local remote references...
  git push quincy -d auth_login_line  # Stale, last merged 1 year, 10 months ago
  git push quincy -d dependabot/npm_and_yarn/udmis/follow-redirects-1.14.8  # Stale, last merged 6 months ago
  git push quincy -d dependabot/npm_and_yarn/udmis/karma-6.3.14  # Stale, last merged 7 months ago
  git push quincy -d renovate/actions-setup-java-2.x  # Stale, last merged 1 year, 1 month ago
  git push quincy -d renovate/angular-monorepo  # Stale, last merged 1 year, 1 month ago
  git push origin -d feature  # Stale, last merged 6 months ago
  git push origin -d fix_schema  # Stale, last merged 3 months ago
  git push origin -d fixes  # Stale, last merged 10 months ago
  git push origin -d logging  # Stale, last merged 5 months ago
  git push origin -d merging  # Stale, last merged 3 months ago
  git push origin -d partial  # Stale, last merged 10 months ago
  git push origin -d provisioner  # Stale, last merged 1 year, 11 months ago
  git push origin -d regfix  # Stale, last merged 1 year, 7 months ago