
UDMI / Docs / Tools / Stream Output to Google Sheets

Streaming Tool Output to Google Sheets

This document explains how to stream real-time output from any UDMI tool directly into a Google Sheet. This is useful for monitoring, logging, and analyzing data produced by UDMI tools.



  1. Grant Editor Access: Ensure the user or service account running the streaming utility has Editor access to the target Google Sheet. This is essential for the utility to write data to the sheet.

  2. Authentication: The stream_to_gsheets utility uses Google Cloud SDK ( gcloud) application default credentials for authentication. Choose one of the following authentication methods:

    • Human User (Interactive): If you are running the utility as yourself, authenticate using the following commands. These commands will open a browser window and prompt you to log in with your Google account.

      gcloud auth login
      gcloud auth application-default login \
    • Service Account (Non-Interactive): If you are running the utility from a server or automated process, you should use a service account. If you want to use a service account, activate it using:

      gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=/path/to/your/service-account-key.json
      • Remember to grant the service account Editor access to your Google Sheet.
  3. [Optional] Set Quota Project: You might encounter a warning from the Sheets API indicating the need for a quota project. If you receive this warning, specify your project using:

     gcloud auth application-default set-quota-project name-of-your-project

    Replace name-of-your-project with your Google Cloud project ID. You can find this in the Google Cloud Console.

  4. Stream Output: Now that authentication is configured, you can stream output as follows:

     source $UDMI_ROOT/etc/shell_common.sh
     spreadsheet_id=YOUR_SPREADSHEET_ID  # Replace with your Google Sheet ID
     tool_name=YOUR_TOOL_NAME            # Replace with a name for the new sheet in your spreadsheet
    • spreadsheet_id: This is the ID of your Google Sheet. It’s typically found in the URL of your sheet ( e.g., https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/YOUR_SPREADSHEET_ID/edit).
    • tool_name: This corresponds to the name of the tool for which you are streaming the output. The utility appends the tool name with the current timestamp to create a new sheet within your spreadsheet.

Now you can use stream_to_gsheets with any command that produces output to stdout:

In both examples, the output will be streamed to a new sheet in the specified Google Sheet. Each line of output will be written to a new row in the sheet.

Using the utility with a tool

We have already integrated the stream_to_gsheets utility in bin/registrar. It can be used with other tools similarly.

  "sheet": "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/YOUR_SPREADSHEET_ID"
source $UDMI_ROOT/etc/shell_common.sh

# fetch the spreadsheet url from the site model
site_path=$(realpath "$1")
if [[ ! -d $site_path ]]; then
  site_path=$(dirname "$site_path")

if [[ -e "$site_path/site_metadata.json" ]]; then
  spreadsheet=$(jq -r '.sheet' "$site_path/site_metadata.json")

if [[ $spreadsheet != "null" && -n "$spreadsheet" ]]; then
  spreadsheet_id=$(echo "$spreadsheet" | grep -oP '(?<=/d/)[^/]+')
  echo "Streaming logs to gsheet id $spreadsheet_id"
  # if spreadsheet url is available, use the utility to stream the output
  $cmd 2>&1 | tee $OUT_DIR/$util_name.log | stream_to_gsheets "$util_name" "$spreadsheet_id"
  $cmd 2>&1 | tee $OUT_DIR/$util_name.log