
UDMI / Docs / UDMIS / Class Diagram

UDMIS Class Architecture

The class structure of the UDMIS subsystem layers a set of business-logic (i.e. the UDMIS part) on top of common foundations for message handling and basic system facilities. This structure is not about the functionality (e.g. what the system does from the outside), but rather the underlying foundation of how things are structures to provide testability, monitoring, diagnostics, etc…

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class ContainerBase
class LocalMessagePipe
class MessageBase
class MessageDispatcher {

class MessageDispatcherImpl
class MessagePipe {

class SimpleMqttPipe
class StateHandler
class TargetHandler
class UdmiServicePod
class UdmisComponent

LocalMessagePipe  -->  MessageBase 
MessageBase  -->  ContainerBase 
MessageBase  ..>  MessagePipe 
MessageDispatcher  ..>  MessageDispatcherImpl : «create»
MessageDispatcherImpl  -->  ContainerBase 
MessageDispatcherImpl  ..>  MessageDispatcher 
MessageDispatcherImpl "1" *--> "messagePipe 1" MessagePipe 
SimpleMqttPipe  -->  MessageBase 
StateHandler  -->  UdmisComponent 
TargetHandler  -->  UdmisComponent 
UdmiServicePod "1" *--> "stateHandler 1" StateHandler 
UdmiServicePod "1" *--> "targetHandler 1" TargetHandler 
UdmisComponent  -->  ContainerBase 
UdmisComponent "1" *--> "dispatcher 1" MessageDispatcher